How did the campaign work?
During the campaign, all employees were encouraged to talk to colleagues with whom they had little or no previous contact. The focus was on sharing personal experiences. The aim was to strengthen team cohesion in the long term and sustainably.
As if that wasn't motivation enough, Probst also supported each conversation with a donation to DKMS. This not only encouraged personal exchange within the company, but also made a valuable contribution to the fight against blood cancer.
Why is supporting the DKMS so important?
Every 12 minutes in Germany, someone receives the terrible diagnosis of blood cancer, and every 27 seconds worldwide. Most patients are unable to survive without a life-saving stem cell donation. In order to find a suitable donor as quickly as possible, it is important that as many people as possible register for a stem cell donation to save lives.
The result: commitment across the board
The response to “Small Talk - Big Support” was more than positive. Many employees took the opportunity to talk to colleagues in person to get to know each other better. At the same time, Probst was able to make a fantastic donation to DKMS through the conversations that were held, thereby making a direct contribution to the organization's life-saving work.